Unveiling the Comprehensive Cultural Plan for New York City: A Roadmap to Promote Arts and Culture in NYC

New York City is renowned for its vibrant culture and art scene, and the city's Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) has recently unveiled CreateNYC, the first comprehensive cultural plan in the city's history. This plan provides a roadmap to promote arts and culture throughout the five boroughs, and is based on the city's rich history of investments in art and culture. It also connects a wide variety of initiatives implemented across city agencies, such as the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment.The plan was developed through an intensive phase of research, discovery, and data collection that laid the foundation for future work. During months of participation, the CreateNYC team reached more than 188,000 New Yorkers in person and online.

The plan addresses current concerns, such as the economic and social challenges of living and working in New York City, and highlights opportunities to support a thriving cultural sector in the future.The plan also takes into account the correlation between the presence of cultural resources and positive social indicators in terms of health, safety and education. It was found that this correlation is greater in low-income neighborhoods than in high-income neighborhoods. To ensure a vibrant future for culture and the arts throughout New York City, CreateNYC supports strengthening policies, increasing and ensuring sustainable public funding, and promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion.

The Impact of CreateNYC on NYC's Art Scene

Beyond these globally influential art forms, art and culture continue to play a critical role in the daily lives of New Yorkers, fostering community vitality and connections in every corner of the city. In some cases, the weakening of commercial real estate in Manhattan has had the effect of strengthening the cultural fabric at the neighborhood level in all five boroughs.

Since its launch in July 2020, CreateNYC has launched several new programs and initiatives that are based on its recommendations.

A Rich History of Art & Culture

Since its founding as a Dutch trading post in the 17th century, New York City has been a center of commerce and a major gateway for immigration to the United States. The creativity that has driven this success is based on neighborhoods in New York which have often played a revolutionary role in the development of art forms. With CreateNYC providing a roadmap to promote arts and culture throughout New York City, it is sure to continue to be an influential center for art and culture for years to come.